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Celebrating 5 Gigawatts of Solar Development in New Jersey

Powering New Jersey with Solar Innovation

The state of New Jersey has made significant strides in its clean energy transition, reaching a momentous milestone in December 2024: 5 gigawatts (GW) of installed solar capacity. Achieving this allows the state to power the equivalent of 700,000 households with renewable energy alone. This accomplishment puts New Jersey at the forefront of climate action and clean energy innovation, and brings the state closer to Governor Phil Murphy’s vision of a future fueled by clean energy.

At the heart of this achievement lie many innovative solar projects, and Schneider Electric is proud to have been an integral part of this journey. In collaboration with over 20 public entities, our comprehensive solar installations have contributed 24.5 MW of solar energy across New Jersey school districts, municipalities, and community colleges. We're honored to play a vital role in driving New Jersey's clean energy transition, aligning with our mission of building resilient, sustainable communities.

To mark this achievement, the NJ Board of Public Utilities President Guhl-Sadovy was joined by local elected officials, business leaders, and environmental allies at Secaucus Ice Rink in Buchmuller Park. Completed in July 2024 by Schneider Electric, Secaucus's 287.1 kW solar installation represents the type of investment driving New Jersey’s clean energy transition. The project reduces municipal energy costs, decreases carbon emissions, and serves as a model for other communities seeking to adopt clean energy solutions.

The Bright Future of Solar in New Jersey

New Jersey isn't stopping at 5 GW. From 2.41 GW in 2017 to 5 GW in 2024, the state has shown its unwavering commitment to clean energy. Now, the focus shifts to the future and continuing this rapid solar transition.

The future strategy includes a robust pipeline of grid-scale community solar, Dual-Use Agrivoltaics Pilot Programs, and rooftop solar. The state aims for 100% of the electricity sold to be derived from renewable sources by January 1, 2035, as directed by Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 315.

Last year, Governor Murphy secured an additional $156 million from the U.S. EPA to provide an additional 175 megawatts of solar energy to low-income households. This move is projected to save residents approximately $250 million in energy bills over 30 years. In addition, the state plans to transform brownfields into new solar energy facilities, offering municipal governments and solar developers a comprehensive guide to completing these projects.

As we stand with New Jersey, celebrating this exciting solar capacity milestone, Schneider Electric remains committed to supporting the state's continued solar transition and embracing a future powered by clean, renewable energy. Click here to learn more about our impact-driven approach to public sector solar projects.